Tutor Totter Preschool Photos

Storyboard for Blog Bethany 3 Verticals.jpg

This was my third year photographing the preschoolers at Tutor Totter Preschool in Auburn.

And can I just say that 2, 3 and 4-year-olds are some of my absolute favorite subjects?!

Yes, they can be wildly unpredictable. You never know if they are going to smile or cry or run away. (No runners this year, thankfully!) That just means I have to bring my A-game with silly stories and jokes and of course, candy, at the ready.

This year, for the first time, I offered proofs to parents so they could choose which pose (#1, #2, or #3) they liked best. Choice is a good thing, yeah?!

And even though parents had to chose their one favorite pose for the prints, they also had the option to purchase a larger package or buy digital add-ons if they wanted all three digital files.

These two cuties — my daughter, Bethany, and a sweet boy named Hank — were all smiles and giggles.

Storyboard for Blog Hank 3 Verticals.jpg

Mini Session: The F Family


Hello My Name is Jennie